Monday, March 23, 2009

Cooper's email

Mark received this email from Cooper tonight when he couldn't find me in the house and Brody was napping (by the way, I was in the bathroom with diarrhea):

Ok I can't find mom!Come home now!!


Birthday Boy

Here are some pictures of Coop and his buddies at his beach birthday night.

Sick boy

Brody was in the emergency room with sever abdominal pain last night but perked up after an hour and spent the wee hours of the morning (12am-5am) running around the hospital and getting tests done with his fanny hanging out and a smile on his face. He's just fine now (very backed up) and as we were driving home he said, "that place wasn't so bad".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Coop had some friends join him at the condo
and he couldn't be happier....look at that smile!

It started out as just dancing...

Brody's signature move, "the steamroller
where he high-centers his Body on top
of Cooper while Cooper chokes with
laughter". There was actually a small,
open-handed slap that went along with
this move this time.

There is really no effort involved for Brody...

Cooper was actually able to pin Brody...once

   The "grabbing Cooper's shirt and swinging him around" move.

The old "headlock"

They're laughing now...

Making Icees

The boys made icees at the condo. Brody scooped the snow in the cup with a spoon and mom added flavoring. Lemonade in Coopers and blue Powerade in Brodys...Yummee


The boys went snowshoeing at the condo. It was Brody's first time and he loved it. They went to snow river, snow bridge and the boulder.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We're back

playing at the Beaverton Mall....yes, he is wearing jammies with a big hole in the knee...he also had on blue monster rubber boots.

Jamba Juice...a refreshing snack