Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Toothless Coop

Coop went to get two of his teeth pulled today. The pictures tell the story. He was amazing...no crying...no fussing...no whining...just listening...following directions...asking & answering questions. What a great kid. I was so proud of him today!

Getting the numbing shot.

The first tooth comes out easy...

...and the last tooth comes out after about 20 minutes of digging for a stray piece! They never got the stray "root" out but it came out in the movie theater about 30 minutes later. Coop calmly handed it to me in the middle of the movie and said, "here's the rest of my tooth".


Wipsy Dipsy said...

what a good boy...can you see a difference when he smiles or were they the shark teeth on the roof of his mouth? tell him i'm so proud of him!

jmact400 said...

Oh, Coop! You are soooo amazing! I'm very proud of you! You were such a help to the dentist too....great job!