Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cardboard Box Fort

We purchased a new washing machine because our old one finally pooped out and were left with the perfect cardboard box to build a fort.
All we used was scissors, packaging tape, a box cutter and paint.

I cut off two of the flaps to leave a hole for the "sunroof". All cut edges were taped off so that the cardboard held tightly and didn't shred.

A back window was cut out. Just the right height to prop up your nerf gun
or just stick your cute face out of.

We now have a door. The rock doorknobs will be glued on after the painting is finished.

The boys put a "base coat" of green spray paint on the fort and then will finish up with their own decor. Coop wants to paint his two sides camo and Brody wants red & blue...should be interesting.

We used green because it was a can of spray paint I had sitting around for the past two years intending to paint some shelves for Coop...glad I could finally use it for something. Go Ducks!

Jack & Coop ate their pizza at the table while Brody ate in the fort (see background).
To be continued....The fort isn't completely finished but I will post pictures when it is. We are hoping that the raccoons don't chew it up tonight.

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