Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mt. Hood & Ski Bowl

Mark took the boys to the condo up at Mt. Hood while I was working. They, of course, had a full day of fun at Ski Bowl, using an all-day pass to do whatever they wanted - lucky kids.

Jumping on the bungee trampoline...

Brody went on his first horse ride...


Apparently miniature golf was a favorite. They played twice.

On the go karts...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Duck Football Practice

The last stop...

Mark said the boys were amazing...they were well behaved, got along great and had a ball...the perfect ingredients for a great road trip.

Swimming at Grammy & Grampy's

Brody, Spencer & Nathan had another playdate and went swimming at Grammy & Grampy's house. What lucky boys!

Pudding after lunch...

Playdate with Spencer

Brody & I went to Spencer and Nathan's house for a playdate. They played hard....and they collected eggs from the chickens...

They went to George Rogers Park...

They walked to Burgerville...

They ate lunch at Burgerville...

They played in the river with Auntie Amy...

They wandered on the beach...

They sat in the "tide" pools...

They had to ride home naked because they got soaked in the river...
They had a fun day!


Waiting to go white water rafting...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Last Evening Drive

The Mileage Game

So...they played the "Guess How Many Miles We've Driven Game".

The answer....1,050

Well, we at least know they're real smart.


Mark said that each person got to pick where they have lunch on a different day. Today was Mark's pick. He said the boys attacked a huge plate of fries and Coop loved the bun. You can't beat In-N-Out.

Water Works Park

Water Works Park in Redding, California was the pick for the 2nd water park. The boys said this one was a bit fancier but the "slides" at the last park were a little more daring. They had another awesome day.


Lunch at the Redding Wal-Mart McDonalds...lovely.

Subway Cave

The boys went spelunking in Subway Cave located in Old Station, California.

Monday, August 16, 2010


After a full day at the water park, the boys spent a night out on the town in Reno...I guess they'll sleep when they get home because there's no stopping with Mark!

Wild Island Water Park

The whole day was spent at Wild Island Water Park in Sparks, Reno. The boys had a blast on the many water slides and wave pool. Sunscreen was applied (that's for you Danette)!

Red Viper Splash...

Eye of the Dragon...

The Scorpion...