Saturday, July 17, 2010

Portland Urban Tour

We were so fortunate to join up with some great friends, the Bjork & Lowenberg gangs, and go on an Urban Walking Tour of Portland. Marggi's mom, Nancy Hamilton, was our tour guide and did a fantastic job of not only giving us the "dish" on Stumptown, but also corralling this most energetic group of boys and girls. Thanks Nancy!
There was some crawling under tables...

There was also some very interesting facial gestures...

One of my favorite parts...the secret door to the secret room at the London Grill.

The fountain in the garage at the Benson. The kids were able to make wishes followed by the boys dunking their heads in the water (yes, just the boys).

Crossing the street was always an adventure...

The "birdcage" elevator in the courthouse.

Sometimes it was best to just sit...

Did you know that there was a cupola on top of the courthouse?
It's hot up there but a very cool 360 degree view...

Nearing the end of our adventure. The whole crazy gang in front of the Pioneer Courthouse.

Tatum telling everybody her favorite part of the tour...

The best quote of the the end of the tour Nancy thanked the kids for joining her and told them that they were her most energetic group yet. To this Anders responded, "is that a good thing or a bad thing?"'s definitely a good thing Anders!

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